My father was a film editor with Crawfords for some years. I joined briefly in 1981 in the props department. The experience was a bracing one. We changed the furniture in Ian Crawfords house after Cop Shop and Skyways were discontinued. Some important sponsors were, clearly quite generous.
Ian Jones tells an interesting story about an early episode of Homicide. They were filming on location, just outside of the Russell Street Police Headquarters where an actor had been asked to play the part of an derilect drunk. In those days there were only three on the crew, not including the "talent". The action took place on LaTrobe Street, just around the corner of the main entrance. Ian, and the crew were wedged in between a couple of parked cars getting a long shot from across the road. Evidently they'd forgotten to let the police know what was going on because the actor was arrested by some passing officers!
29 Dec 2008