Ep.TitleWriter/sDirectorStudio Director
101 Ghost Story Sonia Borg David Lee Bruce Ross-Smith
102 The Intruders Brett Marshall David Lee Bruce Ross-Smith
103 Whistle in the Dark Howard Griffiths David Lee Bruce Ross-Smith
104 One Eyed Luck Della Foss Paine David Lee Bruce Ross-Smith
105 The Living Death Mary Wilton David Lee Bruce Ross-Smith
106 The Spectator Phil Freedman David Lee Alf Potter
107 The Destroyer Osmar White David Lee Bruce Ross-Smith
108 The Wild Cockatoo Howard Griffiths David Lee Bruce Ross-Smith
109 The Catch Della Foss Paine David Lee Bruce Ross-Smith
110 End of Playtime Terry Stapleton David Lee Bruce Ross-Smith
111 What's the Answer? Phil Freedman David Lee Bruce Ross-Smith
112 Bitter Almonds Osmar White David Lee Alf Potter
113 Crocodile, Crocodile Della Foss Paine David Lee Alf Potter
114 No Through Road Jim Stapleton David Lee Athol Charwood
115 The Opportunist Monte Miller David Lee Bruce Ross-Smith
116 No Other Girl Phil Freedman David Lee Athol Charlwood
117 Lovely Lady Osmar White Gary Conway Athol Charlwood
118 Big Time Operator Della Foss Paine David Lee Athol Charwood
119 Self Defence Sonia Borg David Lee Athol Charlwood
120 One Way Ticket Jim Stapleton David Lee Athol Charwood
121 The Legacy Phil Freedman Gary Conway Athol Charwood
122 The Dear One Della Foss Paine Gary Conway Athol Charwood
123 No Licence to Kill Phil Freedman Gary Conway Athol Charwood
124 Postscript John Bragg David Lee Athol Charwood
125 The Kingpin is Dead Phil Freedman Andrew Swanson Athol Charwood
126 The Long Climb Jim Stapleton Andrew Swanson Athol Charwood
127 Thirty Pieces of Tin Doug Tainsh Andrew Swanson Athol Charlwood
128 Freakout Della Foss Paine Andrew Swanson Athol Charlwood
129 There's No Fool Phil Freedman Andrew Swanson Atho Charlwood
130 The Killer Instinct Osmar White Andrew Swanson Athol Charlwood
131 The Visitors Phil Freedman Andrew Swanson Athol Charlwood
132 Without Fear or Favour   Monte Miller Andrew Swanson Athol Charlwood
133 One Last Wish Jim Stapleton Andrew Swanson Athol Charlwood
134 High on a Mountain Della Foss Paine Andrew Swanson Athol Charlwood
135 Love is on a Silver Chain Doug Tainsh Andrew Swanson Athol Charlwood
136 Run Rabbit Brian Wright Andrew Swanson Athol Charlwood
137 Rat Race Phil Freedman Gary Conway Athol Charlwood
138 Position of Trust Monte Miller David Lee Athol Charlwood
139 Never Dob your Mates In Doug Tainsh David Lee Athol Charlwood
140 Nothing is for Nothing Monte Miller David Lee Athol Charlwood
141 Mr. Smith Ian Jones David Lee Athol Charlwood
142 Edge of Happiness Della Foss Paine David Lee Athol Charlwood
143 The Late Show Jim Stapleton David Lee Athol Charlwood
144 The Heat's On Doug Tainsh David Lee Athol Charlwood
145 Ring of Truth Jim Stapleton David Lee Athol Charlwood
146 Kangaroo Shoot Della Foss Paine Gary Conway Athol Charlwood
147 The Gauntlet is Down Monte Miller David Lee Athol Charlwood
148 A Vintage Year Doug Tainsh Gary Conway Athol Charlwood
149 The Monday Girl John Bragg Gary Conway Athol Charlwood
150 The Managing Director Phil Freedman David Lee Athol Charlwood
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Ep.TitleWriter/sDirectorStudio Director
151 Free to Kill George Mallaby David Lee Athol Charlwood
152 Delayed Action Jim Stapleton David Lee Alex Emanuel
153 The Cold Horse Sings Monte Miller David Lee Alex Emanuel
154 The Money Motive Phil Freedman David Lee Alex Emanuel
155 The Long Arm Doug Tainsh David Lee Alex Emanuel
156 The Strange Woman Della Pascoe David Lee Alex Emanuel
157 The Final Movement Jim Stapleton David Lee Alex Emanuel
158 Strictly in Confidence John Dingwall David Lee Alex Emanuel
159 The Swinging Sparrow Phil Freedman / Monte Miller David Lee Alex Emanuel
160 When Greek Meets Greek Doug Tainsh David Lee Alex Emanuel
161 The Pay Off   Phil Freedman David Lee Alex Emanuel
162 The Death Game   David Boutland David Lee Alex Emanuel
163 The Apprentice John Dingwall David Lee Alex Emanuel
164 Someone Up There Jim Stapleton David Lee Alex Emanuel
165 Hit, Run and Stop Dead Glyn Davies David Lee Alex Emanuel
166 The Golden Thread Jim Stapleton David Lee Alex Emanuel
167 One Hundred Witnesses David Boutland Gary Conway Alex Emanuel
168 The Nice Bloke John Bragg Gary Conway Alex Emanuel
169 The Fourth Side Tom Hegarty David Lee Alex Emanuel
170 A Question of Time Glyn Davies David Lee Alex Emanuel
171 I Confess John Dingwall David Lee Alex Emanuel
172 Trip to Nowhere Jim Stapleton Gary Conway Alex Emanuel
173 Goodbye Janet Granger David Boutland David Lee Alex Emanuel
174 Valley of Silence Glyn Davies Gary Conway Alex Emanuel
175 The Slippers Tom Hegarty Gary Conway Alex Emanuel
176 Big Boys Don't Cry John Dingwall David Lee Alex Emanuel
177 Objection Sustained Jim Stapleton Gary Conway Alex Emanuel
178 Murder in Microscope Glyn Davies David Lee Alex Emanuel
179 The Target Phil Freedman Gary Conway Alex Emanuel
180 Dead or Alive Tom Hegarty David Lee Alex Emanuel
181 The Mask John Bragg Gary Conway Alex Emanuel
182 Break-out Michael Gibson Gary Conway Alex Emanuel
183 The Peace Man John Dingwall David Lee Alex Emanuel
184 The Joy Ride Jim Stapleton David Lee Alex Emanuel
185 Process of Elimination John Bragg Gary Conway Alex Emanuel
186 The Hero John Dingwall David Lee Alex Emanuel
187 The Four Wise Men Jim Stapleton Gary Conway Alex Emanuel
188 The Paragon John Bragg Gary Conway Alex Emanuel
189 A Lethal Weapon Tom Hegarty David Lee Alex Emanuel
190 The Liars Glyn Davies David Lee Alex Emanuel
191 Easy Money Tom Hegarty David Lee Alex Emanuel
192 Birds of Prey Della Foss Pascoe David Lee Alex Emanuel
193 The Treasure House Jonathon Dawson Gary Conway Alex Emanuel
194 An Act of Mercy John Dingwall Gary Conway Alex Emanuel
195 Seen to be Done Monte Miller David Lee Alex Emanuel
196 Poor Anna Jim Stapleton David Lee Alex Emanuel
197 Time of Departure John Bragg Gary Conway Alex Emanuel
198 The Antagonists Tom Hegarty Gary Conway Alex Emanuel
199 Beach Boys Jonathon Dawson David Lee Alex Emanuel
200 Squirrel John Dingwall Gary Conway Alex Emanuel
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