Email Issues

For various reasons emails have "bounced back" from the following people. Mostly, it’s because they have changed their email address and we haven’t been notified. The cause of the particular email issue is noted next to each name.
Unforunately, unless the problem is rectified, names will be deleted from the database after 4 months of continuing "bounced" emails.
Where possible, we have tried to contact most people, however if your name is listed, please contact us to rectify the issue.

If you haven’t been receiving our emails for some time, and your name isn’t here, please check the subscribers page. If you’re not listed there, you have been removed from the database. Please reapply.

Vladimir Bykovec
Mailbox Unavailable
Rory Forrest
Not known at Service Provider
Jacqui Gordon
Not known at Service Provider
Gordon Leyton
Invalid address
Sal Mandina
Not known at Service Provider
Heather Pitt
Invalid address
Janet Stapleton
Account disabled
Ralph Strasser
Invalid address