Since August 10th 2002, this website has been operating "advertising free" and without funding. Updating and running costs have been borne without imposing any financial burden on its users.
However, tougher times continue to place a financial strain on the operation and upkeep of this website. Sponsorship has not been an option so as to keep the site "ad free". Also Government funding bodies, both Federal and State have not been forthcoming in offering any financial assistance, despite requests to do so. It seems that the rich history of Crawford Productions is no longer relevant in today’s world.
If you enjoy the experience of coming to this website and would like to help keep it running, then please consider making a donation towards it. Donations of any amount would be greatly appreciated.
Donations can be easily made by clicking on the Continue button below. A simple form to fill in is required for internal purposes only.
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Your help will be greatly appreciated.